The Gran Festa d’ Estate (summer party) in Aggius is a local food and wine event alongside local craftsmanship’s. Various banquets will be prepare on the Main Street of Aggius as well as in the adjacent pedestrian areas close to the Parish Chirch it Santa Vittoria, where you can also buy local handicraft products and the traditional dishes of Aggius.

In the most intimate and deep part of Gallura, stands out a small and characteristic village, which, while preserving and enhancing atavistic traditions, has become an attractive tourist destination. The visitor will immediately be struck by the care of its granite stone houses, considered among the most beautiful in the area.

Of particular note is the production of handmade carpets, and in general the art of weaving, combined with the work with wood, wrought iron and granite.

Among the attractions are the local choirs, known for their distinctive sounds, and the Rites of Holy Week, during which the small village is transformed into Jerusalem: the streets are filled with the faithful, while the church brethren, in traditional clothes , bring to life the solemn processions.

In the cultural visit to the village, do not miss the ethnographic museum named after Oliva Carta Cannas (MEOC), inside which you will find exhibitions of original objects and machinery that tell the history, culture and traditions of the whole Gallura. Another one-of-a-kind city museum is dedicated to banditry, housed in the palace of the old court. Finally AAAperto, an exhibition of works of art in the streets of the village, a project which started with Maria Lai, the famous Sardinian artist who in 2008, with the project “To be, is to weave”, has left to Aggius many works and installations, providing the basis for what became an open-air museum 10 years later. AAAperto welcomes the works of both national and international artists who have spent long periods living in Sardinia. Next are the three facades recently painted by Tellas, a writer famous throughout the world. Finally, you can admire the permanent exhibition of photography “Where there is a thread there is a trail”, a tribute to weaving, weavers, and the role of women as a holder of culture and tradition.

Around the village you will find a vast landscape which is perfect for nature excursions, between the characteristic stazzi (typical rural settlements and houses), and archaeological sites. Of particular interest is the Izzana nuraghe, the largest nuraghe in Gallura.

Within this fantastic setting, this year will be held the twenty-first edition of the Grand Summer Festival, where it will be possible to buy local handicraft products and savor traditional dishes.

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