In a special way of welcoming travellers that characterizes the Comunità Ospitali, there is a figure that becomes the centre of hospitality.
The tutor, a citizen who offers to accompany step by step the traveller during his stay in the village, for him to discover the real life of the place, its peculiarities, the beauties that perhaps might remain hidden. Involved in the life of the suburb, expert knowledge of the territory of the local culture and traditions, the tutor will be both tour guide and “fellow citizen” of the traveller.

Claudia Pulixi
My name is Claudia, I’m 28 years and I was born and grown up in Aggius.
I graduated with a bachelor of science at the University of Milan Bicocca in “Tourism Science and design of the local tourist systems”, completed by a specialization course at the Campus of Lucca in “Design and management of tourist systems of the Mediterranean”.
My studies, always focusing on tourism led me to deepen the theme of hospitality and tourism design of my island.
Aggius is a village rich in traditions and ancient places for this always involved in the events to which I took part, offering my collaboration with cultural associations rooted in the territory.
All my professional experience, carried out both in the national territory and abroad, is concentrated in the hospitality sector with particular regard to the positions of hospitality.
For this I am a dynamic and solar person, lover of world cultures. In my free time, I dedicate myself to sports and recreational activities, especially open air as walks and excursions both on foot and by bicycle.
A deep bond, however, binds me to my land that I love for all its wonderful resources: good wine and good food, traditions and historical places, as well as the unspoilt environment.
Aggius possesses a wide offer of all these elements. I hope that my ability will help you all, visitors of Aggius, to make your experience unforgettable.