This program is the ideal solution for those who have only a short break to discover the beauties of Gallura and know its true and genuine hospitality.

– Who is it addressed to: individuals and groups
– Available from May to November

Arrival in Aggius. Welcoming of tutor, at Casa dell’Ospite, in via Monti di Lizu n°6.
The morning is dedicated to the discovery of Aggius and its traditions through the MEOC and the Museum of Banditry. After a guided tour of the historical centre, built competely in granite where we find the ancient proofs of the religious culture of the village. The churches available for visits inside the inhabited centre are four: The Parish Church, the Church-Oratory of Santissimo Rosario, the Church of Santa Croce and the Church of Itria. Along the panoramic road, you reach the lake of Santa Degna, equipped with a refreshment stand and immersed in the unspoilt nature.
– Lunch on your own or tourist menu.
In the afternoon departure for an itinerary along the characteristic panoramic road with the first stage at the artificial lake of Santa Degna, equipped with a refreshment stand and immersed in the unspoilt nature and toward the panoramic viewpoint of the Moon Valley, or plain of large boulders, so named because it resembles a moonscape. Along the route, it is possible to admire the famous mountains of Aggius, setting of the ancient legends of the village.
– Typical dinner with typical local products and overnight accommodation in Aggius
– Overnight accommodation available in Aggius B&Bs, holiday Farms, Guesthouses. Ect.

Departure from Aggius to Luras, municipality that is 10 Km away from Aggius and boasts the presence within its territories of “domus de janas” also called houses of the fairies or witches, after visit of the archaeological site of the tombe dei giganti (tombs of the giants) in  Calangianus.
– Lunch on your own
In the afternoon, we head toward Tempio Pausania, where you can admire the Nuraghe Majori, from which you can see all the neighbouring nuraghi. Then the tour continues toward the imposing massif of the Limbara, which stands unchallenged behind the town of Tempio. Hiking in the paths of the mountain with visit of the most famous panoramic viewpoints, equipped and not, visit of the natural pools, finally, short stop at the springs which are located at the foot of the mountain, famous for their clarity and purity. (The visit offers different possibilities: excursions of different difficulty levels, specialized on flora and fauna, as well as excursions of various kind).
– Typical dinner with typical local products and overnight accommodation in Aggius
– Overnight accommodation available in Aggius B&Bs, holiday Farms, Guesthouses. Ect.

Departure for Castelsardo, with visit of the museum of Mediterranean weaving site in the suggestive military fortress dating back to the XII century, built by the Doria family. The museum collection, dedicated to handicraft products manufactured by interweaving vegetal fibers that come from the whole Mediterranean area, is a true and proper documentation center. The day continues with a visit to the ancient village with a stop in the historic center.
– Lunch on your own with seafood specialities
Departure direction the tower of Casteldoria built within the municipal territory of Santa Maria Coghinas dating back to the medieval age offers a rare example of a tower with 5 sides. The tour continues with a visit to the Thermal Baths of Castedoria, that are located in the valley below the ancient medieval outpost. These waters are born of 2000-3000 meters of depth and in their journey toward the outside, they enrich with mineral salts; springs then at a temperature that varies from 65 to 78°C with a flow rate of about 15/20 liters per second.
Return to Aggius

End of trip and greetings.


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