The activity performed by Associazione Volontari Soccorso Aggius, established in the late 80s by the will of some citizens of Aggius, caters to the social sector, including, moreover, the first aid interventions for traumatized people, support for people who hasn’t the possibility to reach independently the hospital centres. They address to patients who are undergoing chemo-therapy treatments, medications, surgery or post-operative medication, especially the elderly or people living alone in rural homes where the public transport is absent.

It also provides an important support to the two retirement homes in the country: Mater Purissima, managed by Celestine nuns and the municipal one managed by a cooperative. This contribution consists in accompanying guests in hospitals for visits or hospitalizations, or the removing of discharged patients from these structures.

If it’s necessary, Associazione Volontari Soccorso Aggius, shall ensure the service together with the cultural associations, the patron feast and sports committee, ensuring the ambulance during the football matches, horse racing, fishing contests and festivals of all kind.

The support activity and the assistance given  to the Civil Protection and the 118 is very important, as our contribution  has been requested several times for the transport to their residence of persons discharged from hospitals or emergency room, freeing up these structures from any emergencies.

This activity takes place for free thanks to the contribution of volunteers, and the operating costs are covered by the CITIZENS offers.

Info and contacts
Volontari Soccorso Aggius
Via Roma, 66 07020 Aggius (OT)
Tel.: +39 079 620888

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