The Associazione Culturale “Gli Amici del Mercatino di Natale” was established in November 2015, it is a non-profit association of people, even indirectly.

The Association has its headquarters in Aggius, Via Roma nr.149 and among its main activities, it has:
• The study, research, documentation and dissemination of relevant cultural and artistic value.
•The creation of initiatives to protect and enhance the monumental, archaeological, natural, historical, artistic (especially the weaving and the traditional costume of Aggius) and demo-ethno-anthropological (singing in Tasgia and traditional dance) evidences.

Among the main activities of the Association we find:
– The organization of exhibitions, demonstration and cultural events;
– The design and production of brochures, guides and catalogues with special attention to sites, museum demonstrations and exhibitions;
– The production of drawings, photos and video clips;
– Lessons, lectures, guided tours and educational workshops targeted to the whole world of education and support to voluntary associations operating in the field of Cultural Heritage and beyond;
– The promotion and organization of each activity that is considered of cultural and social importance, using new technologies such as social networks.

The Associazione “Gli Amici del Mercatino di Natale”, organizes and collaborates actively in the implementation of various events that affect the village, such as: Great Summer Day (last Thursday of July), Art, Flavours and Decorations (end of September) and throughout the Christmas period, it takes care of the Christmas Markets.

Info and contacts
Associazione Culturale “Gli Amici del Mercatino di Natale”
Via Roma, 149 – 07020 Aggius (OT)
Mobile: +39 348 5548185


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