The Compagnia Barracellare Aggius, began its supervisory activities of the municipality on December, 14, 2006, with the employment of 45 initial components and 50 on December, 31, 2007.

In 2007 it began its supervisory activities at full capacity in the municipality, as well as the activity provided to the community, especially during the Patronal Celebrations.
Currently its staff consists of 40 members.

The ordinary functions of barracellari companies established by regional law are:
1. The tasks assigned to barracellari companies are:
1) to protect the property entrusted to them in custody by the insured owners, towards an amount determined in the manner prescribed by the present law;
2) to collaborate, at their request, with institutional authorities, responsible for the service:
a) civil protection;
b) prevention and suppression of cattle stealing;
c) prevention and suppression of infringements of the presidential decree, September 10, 1982, n. 915 concerning the control of discharges of civil and industrial waste;
3) to collaborate with state and regional bodies, institutionally responsible for the supervision and protection in the following areas:
– protection of woodland and forest resources, including mountain pastures and cultivated areas;
– protection of water resources, with particular emphasis on prevention of pollution;
– protection of parks, restricted and protected areas, flora, vegetation and natural heritage in general;
– hunting and fishing;
– the prevention and suppression of fires;
4) safeguarding of assets and property of the belonging common entity, sites outside the city walls, as well as administration of civic use goods and cattle-rearing state property, according to the manners determined by special agreement.
2. The forms of cooperation with the forest and the Sardinian Region environmental regulatory body are established by the regional councillors under the executive order decree. They are responsible in matter of local and environmental protection police.

Info and contacts
Compagnia Barracellare Aggius
Via Asilo C/o Casa Comunale 07020 Aggius (OT)
Captain Giovanni Matteo Bianco – Cell. +39 347 3546725


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